You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Docupresentment Issues > Can I send files through IDS queues when default queues are in use?

Can I send files through IDS queues when default queues are in use?

Yes. You can send and receive files. Keep in mind, however, that the default queues have a message size limit of 64K. The attached file and the message and all attachment variables cannot exceed 64K.

While the default xBase queues will scale Ok, it’s better to use MQSeries queues. The biggest problem with the default queue is that the attachment is limited to 64K, which is not large enough to send large extract files (like XML) through the queue or receive back a PDF file.

IDS includes a TCP/IP-based queue option that scales better than xBase and does not have the file size limitation. It is not the best method for production use, however, because TCP/IP is not a guaranteed delivery mechanism. It might be Ok for web queries that are not mission critical or if the web server and IDS are running on the same computer.

We recommend you use MQSeries or MSMQ. IDS 2.x also supports JMS which lets you integrate with any messaging system that offers a JMS interface.